
Description: Amoebiasis, also commonly known as /Entamoeba histolytica/, is associated with pathogenic and intestinal infections. The infection is often contracted due to fecal contamination. Ingestion of mature cysts from contaminated water or food sources is the common method of contraction. Once the cysts have been ingested they develop further in the small and large intestine, where they can be passed in fecal matter.

This disease is commonly found in tropical areas that lack or have a poor sanitation system. Symptoms range from mild, such as loose stools and stomach cramping, to severe, such as bloody stools and severe fever. A fecal exam is used to diagnose /Entamoeba histolytica/. However it is important to note that several other species could be diagnosed with this method and should also be considered. There are several antibiotics used for treatment, but one or two will only be necessary to cure /Entamoeba histolytica/.

When traveling to foreign countries with poor sanitation conditions, prevent Entamoeba histolytica by drinking bottled water or travel with water purification tablets. Additionally, wash hands often and before eating.

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For complete information about pathway, see KEGG [map05146]